LIFE VitiCaSe has received funding from the European Union – Reference: LIFE22-CCA-IT-LIFE-VitiCaSe/101113620 | Acronym: LIFE22-CCA-IT-LIFE VitiCaSe

EZ Lab France is partner of LIFE VitiCaSe, a project with unique characteristics in Europe and at the forefront worldwide, dedicated to Carbon Farming in viticulture, characterized by a series of agricultural and soil management practices aimed at increasing the capacity of the wine ecosystem to capture and retain atmospheric carbon.
The general objectives of LIFE VitiCaSe are:

Increase agricultural carbon stocks in soil

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Contribute to climate change mitigation
The general activities of the project include:
- Creation of a database on agronomic practices
- Creation of a credible and certifiable IT tool for estimating the carbon stock
- Integration of the digital platform with blockchain technology
- Validation of the system through field analysis
- Implementation of the system in 4 pilot vineyards of 3 farms
- Certification of Carbon Credits and placement on exchange platforms
- Monitoring of technical and economic results
- System transfer and replication
Project partners are:

Research centers – CREA Agriculture and Environment (CREA-AA) and CREA Politics and Bioeconomy (CREA-PB)

EZ Lab France
Simona Palermo c/o Image Line srl Unipersonale
Via Giovanni Nicotera 29, 00195 Roma (Italy)
Tel. +39 0546 060098
Life VitiCaSe’s website
Information on project and funding:
Abstract and official technical sheet
1° September 2023 – 31 August 2027
- Call: LIFE-2022-SAP-CLIMA
- Topic: LIFE-2022-SAP-CLIMA-CCA
- Type of action: LIFE Project Grants
- Granting authority: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
- Keywords/Parole chiave:
CCM: Land, forest and sea management.
Carbon Sequestration, Soil Organic Carbon, land-based CO2 removal - Total Eligible Budget: 2,215,903 €
- EU Contribution: 1,329,542 €
- Work Packages (in brackets, the WP coordinators):
- WP1: Project management and coordination (Image Line)
- WP2:C FARMING data collection (CREA)
- WP3: C Farming IT tool (Image Line)
- WP4: Pilot action and tool validation (CREA)
- WP5: C stocking certification and development of a business model (Carbon Credits Consulting)
- WP6: Monitoring (CREA)
- WP7: Sustainability, replication and exploitation of project results (Image Line)