Unlock new possibilities


Consultancy and training

Your first step towards achieving supply chain traceability and demonstrating sustainability through the Digital Product Passport.

What are the benefits and applications of new technologies?

From theory to practice, from designing to creation.

We’ll show you how innovative technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, NFT, AI and metaverse can be game-changing when it comes to enhance your products’ value.

Fill the form and book a free call

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We’re pro at building success stories.

Are you ready to be the next one?

Success is just a matter of choices.

We are the perfect tech partner for you.

Fill the form to book a free call.

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History, experience and expertise… what else?

Leading the way in innovation, in 2016 we developed the world’s first blockchain traceability project for a winery. And we won’t stop.
Our track record showcases the limitless potential of our solutions.

success projects
in real economy

including yours

Our success stories

From supply chain traceability to metaverse

Monnalisa adopts blockchain technology «So we guarantee security and transparency».

Carrera Jeans
Quality throughout the supply chain

Blockchain traceability meets fashion thanks to Carrera Jeans and EZ Lab.

Il progetto di tracciabilità di filiera di Alce Nero
Alce Nero
Producer history and value

Here comes the blockchain to know everything about a bottle of oil.

Find out more
Peron Shoes
Tokenized the entire shoe production process

Blockchain and sustainability: footwear traceability boosts acceptance of green products.

Pomodoro di Pachino PGI
Traceability and authenticity

North and South of Italy join forces to tackle counterfeiting of Pomodoro di Pachino PGI.